[[Full list also via Google Scholar or PubMed.]]
Mano, O., Choi, M., Tanaka, R., Creamer, M. S., Matos, N.C.B., Shomar, J., Badwan, B. A., Clandinin, T. R., Clark, D. A. (2023) “Long timescale anti-directional rotation in Drosophila optomotor behavior.” eLife 12: e86076. [link]
Chen, J.*, Gish, C. M.*, Fransen, J. W., Salazar-Gatzimas, E., Clark, D. A.#, Borghuis, B. G.# (2023) “Direct comparison reveals algorithmic similarities in fly and mouse visual motion detection”, iScience 26: 107928. (* Equal contributors; # co-corresponding authors) [link]
Kadakia, N., Demir, M., Michaelis, B. T., DeAngelis, B. D., Reidenbach, M. A., Clark, D. A.*, Emonet T.* (2022) “Odor motion sensing enhances navigation of complex plumes”, Nature. (* Co-corresponding authors.) [link] See also the accompanying News and Views about the result: link. And related article on olfactory navigation here: link.
Gonzalez-Suarez, A. D., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Chen, J., Matulis, C. A., Badwan, B. A., and Clark, D. A. (2022) “Excitatory and inhibitory neural dynamics jointly tune motion detection.” Current Biology. [link]
Vashistha, H. & Clark, D. A. (2022) “Feature maps: how the insect visual system organizes information” (Dispatch), Current Biology 32(15): R847-R849. [link]
Tanaka, R. & Clark, D. A. (2022) “Neural mechanisms to exploit positional geometry for collision avoidance”, Current Biology. [link] See also the accompanying Dispatch: [link].
Tanaka, R. & Clark, D. A. (2022) “Identifying inputs to visual projection neurons in Drosophila lobula by analyzing connectomic data”, eNeuro 9(2): ENEURO.0053-22.2022. [link]
Zhou, B., Li, Z., Kim, S. S. Y., Lafferty, J.*, Clark, D. A.* (2022) “Shallow neural networks trained to detect collisions recover features of visual loom-selective neurons.” eLife e72076. (Equal contributors, co-corresponding authors.) [Link]
Mano, O., Creamer, M. S., Badwan, B. A., Clark, D. A. (2021) “Predicting individual neural responses with anatomically constrained task optimization.” Current Biology 31: 1-14. [Link] See also an accompanying dispatch here: [Link].
Agrochao, M.*, Tanaka, R.*, Salazar-Gatzimas, E., Clark, D. A. (2020) “Mechanism for analogous illusory motion perception in flies and humans”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, accepted. (* Equal contributions.) [Link] See also a story on this work in WIRED magazine: [Link], as well as mention of this work in National Geographic [Link].
Tanaka, R. & Clark, D. A. (2020) “Object-Displacement-Sensitive Visual Neurons Drive Freezing in Drosophila”, Current Biology 30(13): 2532-2550.e8. [Link] See also accompanying commentary here: [Link].
DeAngelis, B. D.*, Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, Gonzalez-Suarez A. D., Clark, D. A. (2020) “Spatiotemporally precise optogenetic activation of sensory neurons in freely walking Drosophila”, eLife 9:e54183. (* Equal contributions.) [Link]
Matulis, C. A., Chen, J., Gonzalez-Saurez, A. D., Behnia, R., Clark, D. A. (2020) “Heterogeneous temporal contrast adaptation in Drosophila direction-selective circuits”, Current Biology 30: 222-236.e6. [Link] See also accompanying commentary here: [Link].
Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Badwan, B. A., Clark, D. A. (2020) “A minimal synaptic model for direction selective neurons in Drosophila”, Journal of Vision, 20(2), 1–22. [Link] Previous version of manuscript available at: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/833970v1.
Mano, O., Creamer, M. S., Matulis, C. A., Salazar-Gatzimas, E., Chen, J., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Clark, D. A. (2019) “Using slow frame rate imaging to extract fast receptive fields”, Nature Communications 10: 4979. [Link]
Chen, J., Mandel, H. M., Fitzgerald, J. E.*, Clark, D. A.* (2019) “Asymmetric ON-OFF processing of visual motion cancels variability induced by the structure of natural scenes”, eLife 8:e47579. (* Corresponding authors) [Link]
Badwan, B. A., Creamer, M. S., Zavatone-Veth, J. A., Clark, D. A. (2019) “Dynamic nonlinearities enable direction opponency in Drosophila elementary motion detectors”, Nature Neuroscience 22: 1318–1326. [Link]
DeAngelis, B. D.*, Zavatone-Veth, J. A.*, Clark, D. A. (2019) “The manifold structure of limb coordination in walking Drosophila”, eLife 8:e46409. (* Equal contributions) [Link]
Creamer, M. S., Mano, O., Tanaka, R., Clark, D. A. (2019) “A flexible geometry for panoramic visual and optogenetic stimulation during behavior and physiology”, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 323: 48-55. [Link]
Salazar-Gatzimas, E., Agrochao, M., Fitzgerald, J. E., Clark, D. A. (2018) “The neuronal basis of an illusory motion percept is explained by decorrelation of parallel motion pathways”, Current Biology 28: 3748-3760. [Link] [Short write-up on the paper here.]
Creamer, M. S., Mano, O., Clark, D. A. (2018) “Visual control of walking speed in Drosophila”, Neuron 100: 1460-1473. [Link]
Astigarraga, S., Douthit, J., Tarnogorska, D., Creamer, M. S., Mano, O., Clark, D. A., Meinertzhagen, I., Treisman, J. E. (2018) “Sidekick is required to establish the circuitry for visual motion detection in Drosophila”, Development: dev.158246. [Link]
Gorur-Shandilya, S., Demir, M., Long, J., Clark, D. A., Emonet, T. (2017) “Olfactory receptor neurons use gain control and complementary kinetics to encode intermittent odorant stimuli”, eLife: e27670. [Link]
Mano, O., Clark, D. A. (2017) “Graphics Processing Unit-Accelerated Code for Computing Second-Order Wiener Kernels and Spike-Triggered Covariance”, PLOS ONE 12(1): e0169842. [Link]
Clark, D. A., Demb J. B. (2016) “Parallel computations in insect and mammalian visual motion processing”, Current Biology 26: R1062–R1072. [Link]
Salazar-Gatzimas, E.*, Chen J. Y.*, Creamer, M. S.*, Mano, O., Mandel, H. B., Matulis, C. A., Pottackal, J., Clark, D. A. (2016) “Direct measurement of correlation responses in Drosophila elementary motion detectors reveals fast timescale tuning”, Neuron 92(1): 227-239. (*Equal contributions.) [Link]
Fitzgerald, J.E., Clark, D. A. (2015) “Nonlinear circuits for naturalistic motion estimation”, eLife: e09123. [Link]
Behnia, R., Clark, D. A., Carter, A. G., Clandinin, T. R., Desplan, C. (2014) “Processing properties of ON and OFF pathways for Drosophila motion detection”, Nature 512: 427-430. [Link]
Clark, D. A.*, Fitzgerald, J. E.*, Ales, J. M.*, Gohl, D. M., Silies, M. A., Norcia, A. M., Clandinin, T. R. (2014) “Flies and humans share a motion estimation strategy that exploits natural scene statistics”, Nature Neuroscience 17: 296-303. (*Equal contributions.) [Link]
(Media coverage: Reuters, Cnet, WiredUK.)
Clark, D. A., Benichou, R., Meister, M., da Silveira, R. A. (2013) “Dynamical adaptation in photoreceptors”, PLoS Computational Biology 9(11): e1003289. [Link]
Clark, D. A., Freifeld, L., Clandinin, T. R. (2013) “Mapping and cracking sensorimotor circuits in genetic model organisms” (Perspective), Neuron 78: 583-595. [Link]
Freifeld, L., Clark, D. A., Schnitzer, M. J., Horowitz, M. A., Clandinin, T. R. (2013) “GABAergic lateral interactions tune the early stages of visual processing in Drosophila”, Neuron 78: 1075–1089. [Link]
Silies, M., Gohl, D. M., Fisher, Y. E., Freifeld, L., Clark, D. A., Clandinin, T. R. (2013) “Modular use of peripheral input channels tunes motion-detecting circuitry”, Neuron 79(1): 111-127. [Link]
Clark, D. A., Burztyn, L., Horowitz, M., Schnitzer, M., Clandinin T. R. (2011) “Defining the computational structure of the motion detector in Drosophila”, Neuron 70(6): 1165-1177. [Link] (See also the accompanying Preview, “A genetic push to understand motion detection.” [Link])
Clark, D. A., de Vries, S. J., Clandinin T. R. (2010), “Watching the fly brain in action” (News and Views), Nature Methods 7: 505-506. [Link]