

Claydate, December 2024.

Lab BBQ, July 2024.

Lab BBQ, May 2023.

Clark lab, alumni, and friends out for lunch in Montreal at Cosyne in March 2023.

Holiday Party with the Emonet Lab, December 2022

Lab BBQ get together, July 2022.

With thanks to Caitlin for the rendering of the BBQ photo!

BBQ get together June 2021.

Nanki Chugh ‘22 gave us a wonderful performance in the Qbio common area in July 2021!

Zoom lab meetings for a while. 2021.

Cosyne 2018, Denver, CO. Damon, Omer, Jacob, Brian, Annie, Juyue, Ryosuke, Margarida, Emilio, Matt, Bara, Catherine.

Lunch at Cosyne, 2018, Denver, CO. Annie, Bara, Omer, Catherine, Ryosuke, Matt, Emilio, Juyue, Jacob, Margarida, Brian.

April 2017, Escape New Haven: Catherine, Brian, Omer, Margarida, Emilio, Matt, Bara, Annie, Jacob, Damon.

Summer 2016: Omer, Catherine, Juyue, Matt, Ulyana; Emilio, Brian, Damon, Jacob, Adela, Bara.

Cosyne, Salt Lake City, UT, Winter 2016. Left to right: Omer, Brian, Juyue, Damon, Matt, Emilio, Catherine.

Group shot, summer 2014. Left to right: Holly, Aleksandra, Emilio, Brian, Matt, Liana, Damon, and Omer.